Elsewhere work sample
Hello Elsewhere folks!
On this page, you will find:
a link to my CV
my references (contact info included in full application)
my combination work sample
I hope you enjoy my work, and that you had a happy
and safe entry into the New Year.
Love, Katie
References (contact info included at the end of my submitted application)
Rob Neill, collaborator and Artistic Director of NY Neo-Futurists
Kathy Engel, professor at NYU Arts Politics (Tisch)
Kyra Sims, collaborator and NY Neo-Futurist
Work Sample (Combination)
The following four videos are experiments in creating digital theater during the pandemic. In addition to writing and creating videos, I also produced the monthly Twitch show CYBERWRENCH, a live-streamed interactive version of the NY Neo-Futurists’ in-person weekly show THE INFINITE WRENCH. Short films like these would be listed on a menu (along with live pieces) for the audience to choose the order of the show. All props in the following videos are found/crafted/recycled.
work in process: the granddaughter edit
The Granddaughter Edit (working title) is a series of blackout poems and text-based experiments using my late maternal grandmother’s 1,000+ page genealogy archive. Main themes/discoveries/explorations include women of Southern Appalachia, relationship between education and class, told/untold stories, and shared artmaking between living and dead.
meet me at the [edge.of.the.
meet me at the [edge.of.the.woods] is a site-specific performance I created/facilitated for the North Carolina Governor’s School. In the campus botanical garden, the theater students performed 1-on-1 pieces built from the prompt- “tell me about a time you thought something was simple, but it was much more complicated than you knew.” The audience could choose their own path, so every audience member heard different stories in a different order. The piece ended with the performers and audience gathered together for an improvisation exercise (pictured).
The Secret Palace
The Secret Palace is a portable secret-sharing booth and performance piece. Initially created for the NY Neo-Futurists’ THE INFINITE WRENCH, it is made entirely with recycled/found materials and collapses down to be easily carried on the NYC subway. I invited audience members to write down their secrets, and I read them aloud later in the performance, adding them to the inside of the booth.
work in process: Reasons to
Stay Alive
Reasons to Stay Alive is a performance created during my graduate research at NYU under Karen Finley. After multiple student suicides at my undergraduate alma mater, UNC Chapel Hill, I researched university responses to similar crises. This performance imagined what a more compassionate university response to student mental health crisis might look like, then invited the audience to write their own reasons to stay alive on ribbons and sew them onto my graduation gown.
Thanks for taking the time to engage with my work! Feel free to peruse the rest of my website, read more of my writing on my Medium site, or stay in touch on Instagram. I’m taking January to rework my website a bit, but this page will remain accessible to folks with the link. Best of luck with your search.
- Katie